The Aryanization of a Brick Yard – Report of the Public Prosecutor (2) The Aryanization of a Brick Yard – Report of the Public Prosecutor (2) Source : J. Mendelsohn, The Holocaust Vol. 1, (New-York & London 1982) p.181-183. Chief Public Prosecutor Dr. Joel at present Nuremberg 16 February 1939 Report RE: Purchase and resale of the Fraenkische Ziegelwerke (Franconian Brick Yard) at Forschheim by SA Oberfuehrer Koenig. Participation of the Chief Public Prosecutor, Gaurechtsamtsleiter (Chief of the Provincial Party Law Office) Denzler. As may be seen from the records of the Supreme Party Court in the case against the adjutant of Gauleiter Streicher, SA Oberfuehrer Koenig - II. Section D 42 - Franconia 1937 - and from the files of Police Headquarters Nuremberg as well as of the Secret State Police Office in Berlin - II E 5124-38 g - a date has been set on 23 July 1937 for compulsory auction of the Forschheimer Dampfziegelwerke Ltd. at Forschheim, Upper Franconia, before the Lower Court at Forschheim. The acting judge was Assessor Anton Eggert. Assessor Eggert had inspected the plant on the day before the auction. On this occasion he met Gauschatzmeister (Provincial Treasurer of the Party) Hoellerich who showed particular interest. In the conversation the Assessor learned that one of Hoellreich's acquaintances wanted to acquire the plant in the auction. On the date fixed, SA Oberfuehrer Koenig presented himself in uniform as a bidding party. He was accompanied by Gauschatzmeister Hoeellerich - who was also in uniform - and Gaurechstamtsleiter, personal legal advisor and friend of Koenig, Chief Public Prosecutor Denzler (in plain clothes). There was a large crowd in the visitors' room. Only four bids were made, i.e. one by the Municipal Savings Bank of Forschheim, 118,000 Marks, the second by SA Oberfuehrer Koenig, 120,000 Marks, the third by the manager of the Fraenkische Gewerbebank , and liquidator of the Hausbesitzerbank at Nuremberg, Otto Kuhr, personally, 145,000 Marks and the last by Oberfuehrer Koenig 147,000 Marks. The property was given to Koenig. Bank manager Kuhr had come to an agreement on the last bid with SA Oberfuehrer Koenig during the compulsory auction. It is said that other would-be purchasers felt intimidated by the presence of Koenig, as well as of the Gauschatzmeister and of the Chief Public Prosecutor and Gaurechtsamtsleiter accompanying him. So much so, that Koenig, after his agreement with Bank Manager Kuhr, could purchase the plant at the price of 147,000 Marks. Koenig had raised the money in the following manner: 100,000 Marks mortgage from the Bayrische Hypotheken & Wechselbank 40,000 Marks gift of the Gauleiter 30,000 Marks loan of town council Schneider. Since the plant yielded no profit and suffered losses, it was obvious that its re-sale would be attempted as soon as possible. It is said that Gaurechtsamtsleiter Denzler has been active in this business, constantly advising and co-operating without appearing publicly. The re-sale was brought about in the following way: In Eltersdorf near Erlangen there is a clay works, which belonged to the Jew Kirschbaum and was estimated at about 650,000 Marks in value. Civil engineer August Meyer, Nuremberg, Plattenstr. 55 had agreed upon a purchasing price of 550,000 Marks with the Jew for immediate purchase. A preliminary contract made out by the notary public had been submitted to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Gauwirtschaftsberater (District Economic Advisor) Strobl told Meyer that he could only give his consent to the purchase if Meyer simultaneously bought the Frankisches Ziegelwerk at Forscheim at a price of 300,000 Marks. In spite of the bad business conditions of the Forschheimer Ziegelwerke , and in spite of being aware of the fact that the Eltersdorfer Clay Plant had no economic relation whatever with it, the Gauwirtschaftsberater made it a condition for his consent to the sale that the Forschheimer Ziegelwerk should be purchased together with it. On 23 May Meyer was summoned to appear at the Gauhaus (Provincial Party Headquarters) before Gauschatzmeister Hoellerich who told him the same story as Strobl and promised him business orders from the Party in case of purchase. In the beginning Meyer replied in the negative, but on 9 June 1938 asked Deputy Gauwirtschaftsberater Dr. Beck whether he would obtain the permit to purchase the Eltersdorf Clay Works. He was told to wait for the return of the Gauwirtschaftsberater and that the Eltersdorf Clay Works were only for sale together with the Forschheim Brick Yard. On 14 June 1938 Hoellerich called Meyer by telephone and told him that the Gauleitung was interested in his individually purchasing the Forschheim brick yard, although there were still 7 or 8 candidates for the deal. The Jew Kirschbaum would be put under pressure by the Gauleitung to reduce the price so as to make the purchase of the Forschheim Brick Yard cheaper for Meyer. The evaluator, Pabst, former owner of the Forschheim Brick Yard, told the banking advisor of Meyer that Gauschatzmeister Hoellereich had given him the same information. At first Meyer thought of rejecting the deal entirely, but later made the following offer through the assistant field manager of the Commerz & Privatbank AG in Nuremberg so as not to incur the Party's displeasure. Meyer would take shares up to 100,000 Marks if an expert businessman could be found who would purchase the Frochheim Brick Yard for 275,000 Marks. On 17 June 1938 the son of the Jew Kirschbaum was summoned to appear before the legal advisor of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Dr. Hofmann, who told him that the purchasing price of 558,000 Marks agreed upon with Meyer was too high. It would have to be reduced to 496,000 Marks. In spite of a stubborn refusal, the sale was made at 496,000 Marks. In respect to the sale of the Franconian Brick Yard at Forschheim it was agreed upon that an interested engineer Kegelmann from Aachen in [the state of Baden] would purchase the brick yard together with Meyer who would take 100,000 Marks in shares. Only after this, was the sale of the clay works Eltersdorf "allowed". After the deduction of the 100,000 Marks mortgage of the Bayrische Hypotheken & Wechselbank Koenig received 175,000 Marks in cash and 30,000 Marks for material in stock. The total amount of 205,000 Marks was remitted to the Coburg Savings Bank at Nuremberg. The net profit for Koenig in this deal was approximately 75,000 Marks. Later Koenig still made Bank Manager Kuhr pay 7,000 Marks to himself, since in the purchase price agreed upon in the auction it allegedly had not been taken into account that litigation on stock reserve had arisen and law suits with neighbours were pending. As mentioned above, Chief Public Prosecutor Denzler is said to have collaborated in all phases of this deal as a close advisor to Koenig. signed Dr. Joel